Oh hi,
This week on Fuzz-sack It’s no accident the Bad Boys of film review chase down a group of hooded figures from The Actors’ Guild of Great Britain. In fact it was quite inevitable that we would get around to this satirical parody that features many classically Sackable films; Bad Boys II, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard and Point Break. We’ve sacked them all…and now this…
So sit back …grab those biscuits that you lifted from the local grocer and prepare yourself for some paperwork that looks a hell of a lot more exciting than it actually is.
Also, stealing biscuit is wrong. Yarb.


Hot Fuzz (2007) – Like dual wielding with no handle bars. Car door! pttthhhhhhlll…Jog On
Old school sirens!
Warrant Cards?
That is a long way to walk. Quickly!
PC Nicolas Angel
Urban Pacification
When is your birthday? Out!
Cake in your face. No thank you.
He had one thing you don’t have…A great big bushy beard!
The Swear box…what did it say. 17:30
This movie reminds me of a Wes Anderson thing.
“Up to our balls in jugglers…”
Chunky Monkey…Flavor!
He don’t drink.
Neighborhood Watch
The living statue.
Stealing biscuits is wrong!
Fingered her up the dunghole…that is cranberry spewing worthy.
don’t kill the messenger.
It was an accident
he doesn’t know how to switch off
I’m with Stoopid Monkey
Pen and notebook.
Procedure and paperwork is the real police work…let’s make it look sexy
Japanese Peace Lilly
These are some mighty nasty murders
Swear box!
pttthhhhhhlll…Jog On
Hey big ‘un!
The greater good…greater good
The golden mime
No Danny
Kick to the old lady face
Twins at the front desk
where did he get the horse? missed that
Double fisted bike lady
All the action DVDs
I needed some Swan resolution
hurt by a real accident