Oh hi,
This week on Filmsack we are tasked with delivering the package! Again…Part 3… and this time…the package wants to “do you” on the side of a mountain after you perform a shirtless Statham for the third time….and boy does it feel good to air out all that musky chest hair. ahhhh… That’s right fellas, she’s the complete package. I mean she’s no airtight gym bag full of phone books that you can use to float your Audi A8 after filling those bags with air you had to French kiss out of your tires because you drove off a bridge… but she does have her own special freckle faced pee-in-the-corner sort of je ne sais quoi (gena sa qua). Laaaayy deeee! Yeah Dean was funnier…
Anywho, if you are looking for the perfect “forced to be your co-pilot passenger or blow up” for your cross country trek across Europe…. I guess you could do worse than a broken English manic depressive who sleeps half the time, ignores you half the time, recites restaurant menus she has committed to memory half the time, gets high half the time and tries to hump your leg the rest of the time. Is this love…that I am feeling? nope…it’s my car keys in her pocket! Damnit not again!
Hey Randy, I never smelled anything like this…even when you were in the crapper….I thought you said it was booze…
2008 ‧ Action/Crime ‧ 1h 44m
Mob courier Frank Martin’s (Jason Statham) latest assignment pairs him with Valentina (Natalya Rudakova), the cynical daughter of a Ukrainian official. While her father ponders what to do with three boatloads of toxic waste, Frank must guard the problematic woman and prevent her from wandering too far from his vehicle, or risk triggering the explosive shackles they both wear.
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Transporter 3 (2008) – Look here Mr. Francy Pants, with all due respect, the French think that Jerry Lewis is a genius. I’m good at this. Make tense go away.
- Transmorpher 3: Jason takes a ride.
- these credits are too damn small!
- The music swells…and so far it is swell.
- Is he driving the transport boat…I would love if he were driving the transport boat.
- 91,92… a million bottle of booze in think they are going to miss one bottle…yes.
- I never smelled anything like this…even when you were in the crapper….I thought you said it was booze…
- We got a breach…you said booze…this ain’t booze…it’s the Holy Shit …now take care of them… as in toss their bodies from the boat. Out of site…out of my mind!
- Meanwhile…Francy Pants. Mr. Francy Pants.
- The sea was smooth…the party was a bit rough…international waters and all that..
- Now a much smaller boat.
- Dad always knew exactly where the fish were…me…not so much … hey…are you sleeping?! Congrats you caught a seat belt.
- The computer is in the office… she is sleeping…
- This feels more like the roots…you know…based on a TV commercial.
- This is a very exciting fishing trip slash car chase.
- The french think Jerry Lewis was a genius. Dean was the genius…drink and cigarette.
- I’m afraid our day of leisure is cut short.
- Hey! Skateboarding is not a crime.
- Meanwhile in Ukraine. Business…Enviromental bidness….that guy is has a huge hat.
- I have industrialist to disappointed. Meanwhile 14 years ago…we were concerned about the environment…how is that going?
- My name is “not important.”
- Whatever-Your-Name-Is
- Documents in the envelope are of course…not my wife booty shots.
- His new obsession…fishing…and cleaning out his living room.
- Too soon with running into house….this movie is like Ripped from the headlines!
- He suggested Malcolm for the job…and now Malcolm is in his living room on the couch in his car!
- An offer he can’t refuse. You have 10 seconds to change your mind. I will give you 5 seconds to remove your hand. Your knee is not supposed to bend that way.
- This is hard hitting. Don’t let my jacket hit the floor.
- Not far from car..Always a lady in the car.
- Russian music? Am I in heaven. You are in a bit of the shit.
- Bracelet bomb! Stay with the car…Well…he don’t have to worry about the gunshot wound.
- Shirtless Statham! How many points do I get?
- I understand your point of view…but I am still unavailable.
- 3 seconds to change your mind.
- One condition. I drive my own car.
- This ain’t my car…you modified everything.
- This is one of those touchy feely guys.
- We are playing a much larger game. Not a job. A mission. I make a deal. That’s the deal.
- Every rule has an exception this is the
- Yellow light at 25 feet, 50 feet orange, 75 feet you are going to see red.
- 1 number phone.
- Buckle your seat belt…stop that beeping!!
- He was eating fish…but he didn’t catch it…that has to be a bummer.
- So did they forget to get that piece of hardware from the car when they picked up Statham?
- Why don’t you download me on what you know.
- Gimmie the code. 1-1-2-6
- What’s in Budapest….Goulash, Beer
- I am suspending that rule for the moment.
- What matters my name? In fact. What matters Plot or What matters Acting? What really matters is being sexy.
- “We have this problem…” I look stupid to you – Freckles.
- Meanwhile…the only detective in France continues his investigation.
- Eco Corp… we are Eco Corp.
- Eight…this year!!
- Material is leaking everywhere!! grote!
- we are 100 kilometers from beer and sausage…I don’t like sausage…. Veal…carrots…you know…fancy shit. From Modena. of course aged. Sacheotort
- Now I am hungry. ICE Wine…of course.
- Wrong direction.
- Source of “Gone off the reservation.”
- Binary Freeform based on magnetic attraction.
- You want to see the invasion plans for Iran? How about these crazy magnification on these glasses.
- Take care of the car. The Car will take car of you.
- Back in the car Frank. Nope.
- Oh…my favorite fighting position…the circle jerk. A circle of jerks.
- Action…pause…action…take a moment.
- Strip fighting…the lady likey
- Did he kill any of them.
- Uh oh…they brought the smart one. No…I’m the big one.
- Not so big anymore are ya. The big one gets a rose.
- How many spare suits does he have in the trunk?
- you get a tiny lady clap for your performance. You fight good…but you tie bad.
- That is why I prefer to deal with cars.
- Going to meet at the same place in 1 hour…what…how far did he drive and now he has to drive back?
- She is a sleepy lady.
- In the words of the great American Donald Trump. You are fired.
- Back seat lady drivers grabbing you by the head…am I right fellas?
- What a great bike ridding scene.
- You’re fired.
- Russian…I think
- 2 bags in the back and a lady.
- Russians…are so dark.
- How close are you to a computer? Always, with the computer.
- Americans in Budapest.
- She likes carrots and sleeping.
- I’m not Russian…Ukrainian…different here…different here.
- What does looking good have to do with dying.
- Souvenirs from Ibiza… you stay sharp…I’ll stay…how you say…optimist.
- Don’t touch the driver’s radio…
- Buster!
- You want me to pee in car
- Saddest shop ever…and now she has the munchies.
- Don’t…do not pee on the liquor aisle!!
- This guy has to pee…
- Who is all gloomy and doomy.
- I am free like a bird…. The girl!
- I have lost my friend!
- First you tell me I am gloom and doom and now you tell me not to be happy.
- I love the fact that his car never gets a scratch.
- Drive faster.
- always 2 trucks on a 2 lane road. That would for sure freak that truck driver out…. Sideways Semi is always scary.
- Should have thought about buying a sandwich instead of a bottle of Vodka.
- What means preoccupied.
- Dammit…there goes the no scratch rule.
- You’re so tense….let’s make the
- I’m good at this. Make tense go away. Sex one more time before I die. Am I’m not sexy…
- Maybe I’m not in the mood.
- Never look in the package. Cause it is full of Phone Books…or Crazy! You’re the package!
- Make playtime for me.
- You want keys? I want strip.
- Kiss me for the keys. Like you mean it
- Live with me…
- You are afraid of living Frank.
- What can Brown do for you?
- easy…just Hack into one of the military satellites.
- Mr. Johnson…yes I know who you are.
- Give me back my daughter.
- Making love in the mountains…
- Buy you own drinks ladies…and watch that drink.
- Not like you good.
- Inspector gets around.
- Change of plans. Uh oh…never change the plans Frank!!
- I was looking forward to that fish with the carrots, myself.
- The Girl. Her father. Lots of toxic waste.
- Trapped on a bridge! Nooo! What will Frank do?
- Don’t worry…we got them right where we want them.
- Do I look like a man who came half way across Europe to die on a bridge? Do I?
- Tell you over dinner.
- Karen cut!
- Gross…I don’t know what they spit on his face…but gross.
- Finish him
- Frank! Noo! Not the Car!!
- His beloved car will be his grave.
- Lake…there is a Dam…be there in 10 minutes.
- Does he keep oxygen in the trunk?
- ha! Hilarious…tire air… saved by his car.
- Buy tickets for all of us…who is paying?
- Don’t ask the question…it will get you shot.
- haha… Ukrainians and their tractors.
- Think global not local. think this.
- Meanwhile on the Train.
- The reluctant villain. Everyone wanted to fight. Make it easy!
- What’s so funny…hearing a dead man talking.
- Didn’t we already jump on a train with our car in a previous movie?
- aww c’mon…that was an unironic way to kill the hacker…
- how far away is the car…duh.
- Dog on a leash…one more step Frank.
- He is totally going to die with that umbrella.
- No Frank…No
- Wait here…I’ll be right back.
- Mission Accomplished.
- I’d like to offer you a position…
- We wouldn’t make a good fit.
- There may be more explosives in that bracelet than is required.
- Am I in Heaven?
- Mr. Minister, your daughter is in good hands.
- Sounds the Star Trek alarms!
- They even wrapped up the toxic waste boat and fishing trip.
- She is always sleeping and hungry.
- What kind of Wine.. of course chilled.