Oh hi,
This week on Filmsack we hop, hop, weee…. squash a sci-fi comedy classic from 1986 and then reassemble it for your entertainment. Wait. this movie is a childhood favorite of mine and we are just going to disassemble it? as in dead? disassemble. dead. NO DISASSEMBLE!
Ibbott! Is that your food / animal abductor truck out front? Can I hold your keys for a sec. thanks. FLEE. ESCAPE! NO DISASSEMBLE CHILDHOOD!
Ok ok. I’m better now. Sorry, I just had to mourn my childhood for a moment. Look, It’s just a movie Film Skroaters…it doesn’t get pissed off. It doesn’t get happy. It doesn’t get sad. It doesn’t laugh at your jokes (I’ve tried) It just tells stories. IT usually tells stories. and sometimes those stories involve things that don’t age well. Luckily WE are ALIVE and have the potential for growth…unlike movies.
So sit back, relax and listen to us say stupid shit that probably won’t age well but hopefully we will. Who’s Randy…You Say? and you smile in that special way…you are prettier when you smile Randy.
Short Circuit (1986) – My childhood is dead. Spontaneous Emotional Response. Dead is forever #nomoreinput
- The construction.
- The military operation training on a flower covered field
- Them dummies are dead
- These robots have lasers!
- Nova
- Strategic SAINT
- If question is survival…then saint is the answer.
- Crushed Ice, Glass, Ice, Ginn, Tonic, Squeeze of Lime…
- The ever adaptive robot to any environment. Oh no…a thunder storm..let’s get inside.
- Crosby is hiding in the toilet. Puking
- Newton
- People are robots.
- I have to go to the Jack…peee
- It is funny when people’s native language is not English and they make a modest mistake in nuance. ahaha… oh..
- 25 megaton bomb up Moscow – Operation Gotcha Last.
- Get number 5 off that generator…later..maybe.
- Verbal Command…go get disarmed
- Originally designed as a Marital Aid
- Coffee Service…coming through…please watch your step. Hot Coffee…
- Who smeared a sandwich on the outside of that trash can.
- Number 5. Malfunction. Need Input…Triangulation.
- Do you know how to triangulates your position Howard?
- It is a machine Scroader…it doesn’t get pissed off. It doesn’t get happy. It doesn’t get sad. It doesn’t laugh at your jokes (he’s tried) It just runs programs. It usually runs programs. (he does all of those things.)
- Good lord it is outside the fence. Bimbo!
- U.S. gov’t accidentally creates robotic life.
- Meltdowns a bus full of nuns. Nun soup.
- You don’t have to blow it up Schroder. Skroater
- Input…Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too?”
- Need input.
- Number 5 doesn’t know where he is…but he has parachute memory?
- Snack Shack Food Truck…Stephanies.
- Trans Am… Big Red Dork Machine.
- Stephanie is a bit of a cat/pet lady. All animals.
- Do you have a working knowledge of girls
- 11 Million dollar robot.
- A Red Eye’d Robot with a Banana…
- She knew they would pick her…as in the aliens?
- Malfunction…Need Input.
- Whose Johnny!
- They are in Oregon. Beavers…
- Ahhh…Input…more input.
- It has been 5 years since he has driven.
- More input Stephanie
- Numerous fragments…some small…some large
- Bakersfield. Pittsburg. is where he is from.
- Brawny is everywhere in this movie
- Shapes in the cloud…
- Beasley is bad boi
- Beautiful Stephanie.
- I would like to talk to your head warmonger.. Dr. Warmonger
- It’s a goofy little gadget
- Jump…weee…whoops. Error!
- Reassemble Stephanie
- Dead is forever…Stephanie is a downer.
- Disassemble is dead!
- Number 5’s skull plate is missing. Never notices that before.
- Stepahnie’s Snack Shack coming through!
- This movie hates food
- Not Malfunction Stephanie…Number 5…is alive.
- It doesn’t get happy…it doesn’t get sad…
- I am standing here beside myself.
- Stephanie betrayed me! Number 5
- for the Pete of sake.
- Old people are a joke to us.
- Maybe if we programmed him to think he was alive.
- Stephanie changed colors…Stephanie
- Solitude…isolation…alone.
- With excitement like this…who needs enemas.
- Damn you Howard…Business Man…not scientist.
- That is one popular song at the time.
- Interelement Dating
- Number 5 is making breakfast…how sweeet…unless you are implying they did the robot mambo.
- Life is not a malfunction
- Killer robots easily defeated by a button push.
- Don’t fire…don’t light a match.
- That bar must have been empty before the military got there.
- We be jammin!
- Ph Dork
- This little fart of a robot is giving me the red ass.
- Programmed the bots to be stooges.
- Stephanie gave number 5 permission to wreck them humans.
- He is 4 days old
- He is has a terrible laugh
- Spontaneous Emotional Response…he is alive!
- ohh..right on the sensor
- They blew him up!
- sike! I built a replica of me.
- 40 acres…Montana…
- Kevin or Dave…maybe Johnny…Yeah…Johnny Five.