Way Of The Dragon (1972) (Show Notes)

Way Of The Dragon Bruce Lee

Way Of The Dragon (1972) –

Like new year money. I’m sure it makes sense somewhere in the world but not here in good ole back hair of America or more like NO WAY of the dragon.

[usr 5.0]
*WARNING : My show notes are unrated. I do not censor my thoughts while making notes. Listen Now

– FilmSack Edition

Opener: Oh hi, did you guys know this week’s Filmsack movie was Chuck Norrison’s big screen debut aaaaand was produced and directed by Bruce Lee aaaand was prior to Chuck Norrison’s back hair to facial hair transplant. It’s true…he grew a mustache on his shoulder blades and had them migrated to his sweet little American baby face. No wonder Bruce Lee was constantly looking for the Toilet. Also, it was good to see The Unicorn working again.


Way of the Dragon




The Way of the Dragon (1972)


Stuff I Loved:

Good to see The Unicorn working again

Those paper guys are pretty fast.

Taco Island is attacking the cabbage island?

Shaky close up cam. This guy never heard of tracking…

Scary white lady won’t stop staring at me. Red Hat lady. it’s a thing…look it up.

Bruce lee smile

Can beat up everything but no his agoraphobia

Why the hell…scared that poor kid to death…you dropped your ice cream. you ain’t got no ice cream…as Eddie Murphy said

That menu said…


Whats in the bag china man? is he china man?

Man that airport service is top notch fast.

Man that waitress standing there watching

Bruce Lee is hungry. For SOUP!!

Let me loosen my belt.

What is the name of that horn that goes…wonk wonk wonk? Slide trombone?

Miss Chang Chang Wah!

I was starving-hungry!

Hey, is this movie dubbed.

Hey! don’t be so formal…look at my hands! I say..HEY! with my hands.

That is later, can you please tell me where the toilet is? I will glady talk later for a toilet today.

That is not the bathroom…

BMW…Mustang…it’s a Rolls…

This story is like the A-Team…when you have Thugs thugging you…you call the B-Team…the Bruce Lee Team.

If you won’t sell it….they can’t buy it

We can do nothing, what can I do?

Got Thugs watching me all the time… sing… “I always feel like…Thugs be watching me…no privacy.”

We need a stage reading of the story that we will overlay on some driving around footage..in her BMW-MUSTANG-ROLLS

Dig that crazy 70s decore

Can I finally use the toilet. What was in that soup!

Bead curtains! Oh how I miss you.

This water is not worth having to listen to your talking. TOILET!

Wonk wonk wonk wonk…ding ding…flute flute.

No…we don’t have New Year here moron…dumb ass.

I PRACTICE..MARTIAL…ARTS…..can I use your toilet? Watch out!

Martial Arts…WATCH OUT!

Martial arts with a side of diarrhea.

Can he not read English?

hey hey hey…don’t kick my fung sway…

Where you keep your money?

Hey pretty lady. I can’t hear you.


Thanks for inviting me  over to your pad…mind if I do some Karate

Gross…flyswatter on the table.

I am Wang…ohhh…it’s Wang..he’s a man.

Maybe your restaurant is failing because all the waiters and cooks are out in the alley learning Karate.

I am into Chinese boxing!

Don’t think I ever seen Jive Talk Dubbed before.

Chinese spare ribs.

Thugs not hugs. These guys

They knocked out Jimmy

Movement Number 4…Dragon seeks path

Old school Karate movies are always very dusty.

Anyone can buy a gun around here…Gun violence.

Always one guy who is a hero doubter. You beginner luck.

Karate is all about the Hip Flexor?

Alley ways are always full of empty boxes.

Guns are for suckers

If you break a man’s neck and drag him out into the hall you can safely go back in and go to bed…or the toilet if you prefer.

Oh good…he’s still alive.

is that Victor Wong?! and he dubs his own voice.

Bruce Lee has joint issues.

Ohh…Rippling muscles

Who is the fat Italian?

No guns. How convient

Where the hell did he find numb chucks!

Was this the start of theme gangs? 

Now I have the numb chucks.

I can’t figure out was more painful. The numb chucks or the Numb Chuck cameo. Wait..was the numb chucks foreshadowing?

hehe…think it made more sense for the translator when the movie wasn’t dubbed….as it is…it seems like he is being a dick.

Sorry, I tried to kick the customers in the face.come on in.

Tang Lung. When you accidentally inhale Tang dust particles before you add water.

Man…that girl is such a snitch. The boss and his smithers were hiding pretty good

Check out my boss phone. It’s huge! Look at all the buttons. Does it call America? cause I need Chuck

America’s best! Chuck Norrison

Operator, I would like to call AME-RI-Ca

I wasn’t expecting New Year Money….but here it is!

Chuck Norris pre facial hair.

Who can do Karate better than Japanese.. Chuck Norris..that is who. Norrison.

Bad teeth all around.

Ohh…look…they have on their Karate uniforms! I bet they know Karate!

No chin? No problem…beard!

Lot of that big drum.

Somebody gotta die if this is going to be rated R.

Rated R for Karate

Nut crushing

Tang Lung!

man them are some loud birds down at the quarry karate battle

We got it from here.

Tony and Jimmy can handle the Jap. Man..can you be this racist in a movie on Netflix.

What the what! What the..What! I did not see that coming. Uncle Wang is a traitor.

Who could have known Uncle Wang would be such a dick.

Go back to Hong Kong as a rich man. Never was a rich man…

Ohhh…gonna fight in the ruins of the Roman Coliseum. Epic

Enter the Kitty

Are we gonna fight or are we gonna get naked! eeeek.there is all of Chuck’s hair.

Chuck Norris has little angel wings made of manly back hair

Are we gonna fight or are we gonna warm up all day?

Kitty is bored. Fight already!

Bruce Lee is already sweaty

Kitty NOOO

Meeeeeeoooooow  emphasis on the eooooowww

ha! chest hair grab.

Ok…nough messing aroundtime to fight.

Kitty is the only witness to the greatest fight ever. The things he will not be able to unsee

Kitty is bored.

Norris can’t die!

Warriors honor.

Enough of this Karate bullshit. Time to pull out the gun



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