The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (2004) – Filmsack Show Notes


Oh hi,

Dear Mr. Zissou (Zee-sue), my name is Brian and I’m 11 and a half years old.

Today my mom took me to see your latest documentary. As you can imagine, I have questions. Most are related to oceanic curiosity and others, well nipples.

I couldn’t help but notice that you have nipples around the size of tic tac’s while others in your crew have nipples up to and exceeding pepperonis. Why is this? Is there an evolutionary reasoning behind this phenomenon? Also, my mother requests that “The Harlette” put on a t-shirt. I assume she is talking about the guy maxing out to dinner plate size.

Well, I think that about covers my nipple questions. Now onto more Aquatic type queries.

Do fish have nipples? My mom says no. Her boyfriend says maybe.


Also, Possibly your son, Brian for now Zee-Sue

Sept 19th, 1983

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (Zee-Sue) (2004) – Good movies on FilmsackĀ  “Extremely rare at this depth.” #RedCap


Oh…is this a show about water?!

This movie starts fast.

Adventure 12

Belafonte is the boat?

The ages! Ha.

Safety Expert!

Estabon is kissable

“Extremely rare at this dept…”

“Bravo…what fun.”

I have a red cap

Is Owen Wilson wearing a Bill Murray nose prosthetic?

Long lost Son.

Probably my son Ned

Orca photobomber

more nipples than a joel schumacher film

I want the guitar guys album






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