Tales From The Darkside: The Movie (1990)


Mmmm….me here today cause Cookie Monster trapped by suburban Witch? Notice cookies on floor of cage look more ‘crushed’ than ”e’ate’…look like furry blue Muppet with no functioning esophagus went to tooowwn. Me like Mick Jagger, can’t get no… can’t get no satisfaction.

Back off! Cookie Monster no taste good. How about me read you story instead. Once upon time. 4 guys sacked movie…NO! NO EAT COOKIE MONSTER! COOKIE MONSTER EAT YOU….nom nom nom…tastes like dirty heroin.



IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100740/

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tales_from_the_Darkside%3A_The_Movie

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9lVoUKk-8Y

Clips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZbXA4lyCtqpWLnwZdmk8LZpSsDxS3Xo7



Tales From The Darkside (1990) – Like a mouthful of Buscemi Teeth. Hard to look at even harder to look away. Open your eyes.

Show Notes:

In order of appearance: Really? Blondie looks like a boy on a bike. ohhh…that kid get’s no credit!

What’cha got in the bag Blondie? Flowers!

Something is in the cupboard!

No Blondie…I throw the best parties!

ooooh. It’s the book of the same name of the movie we are watching!

Mmmm…cookie crumbs….Do you trap Cookie Monster? cause them cookies look more ‘crushed’ than ‘ate’…like a furry blue Muppet

Eeek! It’s a Joey Lawrence? No…Matthew

Ahh…so Debbie is a modern day witch…good show old boy. Classic Fairy Tale with a twist. Witch in the Suburbs

Settle down Debbie…let me tell you a story.


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