Child’s Play 2 (1990) – Filmsack Show Notes
INTRO Oh hi, … grab your bags and sort your goodies while we spin you a Tale from the Sack:
Entertainment by consumption and review. Creation of Art, voice and video.
INTRO Oh hi, … grab your bags and sort your goodies while we spin you a Tale from the Sack:
INTRO oh hi, Oh by all means American Business Men Type, please interrupt my game of Chinese Chess I was
Continue readingGremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) – Filmsack Show Notes
INTRO Oh hi, and Good Morning Southwestern Sheriff’s Office Staff. As you ma have heard. Last night Sheriff Peck was
INTRO Oh hi, and Join us… not you Cheryl,..not you…you stay in the cellar and decompose quietly….I mean, why did
INTRO Oh hi, Alright guys, suck wall, you all are under arrest for watching an illegal amount of buddy cop
INTRO Oh hi, This week I sold my first screenplay to Troma Films. Yep! I’m rich! Well, I have pizza