Oh hi,
Cut! Ok, David…no not you in the green suit holding the tennis ball on a stick pretending to be a spider. David Arquette. Yes you. A word please. Look, I love the energy you are bringing to the set today. It’s 100% better than the wet blanket acting you were doing yesterday. Oh… you did did you. You looked up acting tips on Yahoo last night did ya? Oh you mean the number one search engine for 2002. Ahhh…well that explains it. So you decided to go with the “Acting is Reacting” method like you seen in the WWF…which is still the WWF because it is 2002. Bravo.
Now stop it. Bad David! Bad! What’s that? No! You’re the 2 legged freak! Ya 2 legged freak! Oh you want to get physical. Alright…Let’s go…I’ll rip that stripper’s bikini area right off your adorable little face and then write a barber scene into the movie to explain it’s disappearance. Oh you think I won’t! I’ll do it right now…gimmie a piece of paper…”Alight…Scene: Chis sits in the barber chair…Floyd the barber…yeah that’s right..Floyd the Barber…that’s all the effort I’m putting into it David.”
And that’s what really happened on set…True story.

Eight Legged Freaks (2002) – Like sucking on a hose full of radioactive spiders. phft phft pass me those Doritos.
This is a story of Monsters.
Prosperity Arizona.
Wake up people! Wake up people before it’s too late.
“Say something with caffeine in it.”
So often am I hauling off nuclear waste and it ends up in the local lake…pond…pool.
One Week Later….
Meanwhile down at the Spider Farm…
“I see dead people…”
These crickets are nuclear big.
Only in the movies can a middle aged eccentric store owner, scientist, cop, theater owner be best friends with an 11 year old and it not be questioned. It’s the modern day apprenticeship role that no longer exists in our society.
Spider Farm!
It’s on me ! Get it off.
Another Week Later….
Meanwhile on a bus heading to town. The prodigal Sonny.
This music is 90s..but this movie came out in the 2000s
Poor Pete
ScoJo! So young.
uh huh…Joshua is deead.
Prop 101…this is a town meeting and not wwf.
Old Man McCormick is dead…oh. hey…it’s Chris McCormick. Gone for 10 years.
Poor Pete…Everybody pushes Pete around.
Zeke the cat put up a good fight…that is not how drywall works…but neat
Chris beats up a lot of people.
Emma left Pete….Poor Pete…I have an intolerance to dairy…I’m just a little bit mucussy right now.
Ouch. Trailer Trash Sheriff.
Look at that tech! Is that a Windows Powered PDA?
No Parrot!
What is this kids passion? Spiders? Research? Reporter? Adventurer? Scientist?
Why don’t I have a Study?
They never believe the kid…
Who the hell sucks on a hose that is clogged? Who does that?
Oh cripes…he sucked up those giant baby spiders!
So the mayor is in on the contaminated waste racket…after his frustration with all the get rich quick schemes of Chris’ dad.
He has an Ostrich farm…which is good eating for giant spiders.
Trope…doom sayer.
Let’s talk about the probe…let’s talk about the anal probe.
eek Shock to the nuts.
Brett really is all about himself. He was perfectly fine for that truck driver to die to save his bacon.
Dirt bikes…2002…that was more of a 90s thing I thought.
Was Gladys’ house attached to the mines?
it’s my Media induced paranoid delusional nightmare
If acting is reacting…then David Arquette is doing some serious acting!!
Lee Harvey Oswald Rifle. Why do we have that? I do not know.
Just trying to give a shave. Floyd and some guy. Leroy? Bob?
Continuity error. When Floyd is running from Bob’s death you can see someone has already busted out the front window with the hat rack
I hate jumping spiders.
Finally shaved that thing off his face.
Poor Pete.
These spiders have an off sound when running around.
The Jumper.
Let’s all meet down at the mall.
oh man…the Doritos bag from 2002 looks a lot older than I would have imagined.
KFRD has 4 more payments on that shit.
These spiders sound like gremlins
The sound fx in this movie are weird.
Those citizens outside…screw those guys…we got the gate closed.
“Let’s listen to the kid…for once.” – Chris
the plan. Head to the roof and hook up to the antenna.
Wade the mayor is going to sneak out.
This has to be the most accurate shots fired ever.
Damnit Norman the Mall Maintenance guy.
Vote yes on Prop 101
Nooo….not Pete!
I would have preferred this movie being told from Pete’s perspective
Harland really has a thing about Anal Probes
What is Brett and Wade’s relationship? Dad? Step-Dad?
Chris can’t even kick out a air grate. weak
Floyd the pitchfork barber. Coward!
Chris knows mine stuff.
Methane gas. No Sparks.
Stupid Norman and his poor vision…we all know it would be the death of him.
Follow the cables!
This town is full of no good nicks. They will leave you to die in a skinny minute…except Chris…Your town has to be pretty shitty to make David Arquette the hero.
How did Chris know the Spider’s name? I don’t recall anyone telling him that. He also keeps telling people to listen to the kid. Is he some kind of time traveler when the kid is all grown up?
He totally did not check all the cocoons.
Gold Mines…what a weird ending.