oh hi,
This week on Filmsack we forgo the buttered popcorn and soda and go straight for a big ole cup of juice extracted straight from an alien hobo’s arm…[drink] bleh…looks like we should have went with the pulp free alien arm squeezings…these chunks are hard to swallow. Garçon, napkin and my compliments to the cat who threw up in this.
anywho, It is said that sucking down alien goo will allow you to operate alien technologies and since we are all juiced up….lets go give one of those wicked cool alien mech suits a try…. But first… how about 15 minutes of straight projectile vomiting into this camera man’s face.
Aloha Randy

District 9 (2009) – A great sci-fi movie funded primarily with cat food and pumpkin rubbings.
words fail me