Oh hi, Yes Sir Mr. President, per your orders, we dropped that bomb on those filthy cold war Russians. But I’m saddened to report sir… that we had some pretty unexpected results… Instead of dirty burnt radiated Ruskies it appears all we did was make their hair fuller and shinier. They couldn’t be happier when we flew back by. Where did you say we got that plutonium from? Ithaca?
Yes, Hello…is this Kremlin? This is top secret KGB agent reporting in. I have just returned from American nuclear facility in Ithaca. I have brought with me samples of American plutonium. I must say the mission was easier than we had imagined. Ronald Regan American’s are so over confident of their security that they left full sample on a table unguarded. However, if this sample represents the full force of the American’s might then we can sleep well comrade. Early tests have shown that their plutonium is not a very effective explosive. I feel so safe with this container that I slept with it under my pillow last night. I was surprised to discover this morning that it had sprung a leak during my slumber. When I woke up I was sure that I would have radiation sickness. But instead my hair has never been fuller or shinier. and smell it….oh…this is a phone joke.
Yeah I know that’s not how that works. But this movie could be called “That’s not how any of this works…now get out of my glove box KidGyver.

The Manhattan Project (1986) – Like having an exit sign on your bedroom door. I thought you were a genius.
Like asking what motion detectors are for. You know what they are for. you know. you know.
Big ole thumb pushing buttons.
On has a smiley face
This is magnetic. Here is my spoon.
My job Push the button.
is it a good idea to hold you hand over that
Nickelodeon slime.
Truck transports in the middle of the night.
is that a DeLorean in the neighbors drive?
How smart is this kid if he needs an exit sign on his bedroom door
what kind of moron flattens a rounded scoop of Quick
Valium or heroin. that is a wide spectrum there kid
Roland is a dick. No one wants to be a Roland. Let’s blow him up
When did we stop making separate keys for glove boxes and ignitions…or doors for that matter.
Me, my books and my memories are moving in
Happy bike riding music. Down a country road. You don’t see that much anymore
What are those? Motion Detectors. What do they Do?! Detect some kind of motion?
“Three Yellow Suits to loading please”
Is this some a Mountain Dew bottling facility?
I could use about 2 minutes less of watching robots load plutonium onto racks.
Watch me light my cigar with a laser. Oh GOD! I CUT OFF MY FINGER! Do lasers light stuff or burn holes through stuff.
Lithgow has far too much access to lasers.
What’s that? “Lubricating oil for the robut.”
Are we implying that radiation is creating 5 leaf clovers?
“Are you cold mom? Tough shit. I ain’t your monkey boy.”
This kid is a goofball. He gets his jollies from blowing the horn and digging through gloveboxes.
“Here kid…I got a really loud puzzle toy.” Spin and done.
Hey genius. You just blew my my frozen juice into my blender. that’s gross No way am I drinking that.
I have a TV on my shirt. it’s a TV on my shirt. Now I’m watching TV! I’m ironic!
Doctor Strangelove is in there hitting on my mother and watching my TAPES! MY FUCKING TAPES! TWO FOR THE ROAD also. The day the earth stood still.
So this kid is the GloveBox McGyver
That whole place is nothing but warning. Radiation. High Power. Do Not Enter. Do Not Touch.
KidGyver keeps some weird shit in his bag. One scrubbing glove his mother has been looking for for weeks.
For reals. Do you have any idea how much a bottle of VO5 is! I’ll kill ya.
First. Why the hell would you steal a plastic jar no less…and replace it with VO5. They are going to bomb Russian and all that is going to happen is some very clean smelling Ruskies. Is that offensive? You drop a Vidal Sassoon bomb on me.
What does it say about V05 when the color and consistency is that of Plutonium congealment
So he is going to duct tape nuclear material to his remote controlled Subaru? Sounds like a good plan
This is a really elaborate plan he came up with. A modern movie would have a planning montage to lay the heist out.
This has gone from cute little prank to “they are going to bury this kid under the federal prison after they shoot him.”
Where did that security guard find lug nuts…cause I never have extra lug nuts hanging around.
That married security guard is drooling over a high school girl.
I’ve seen more of the inside of glove boxes in this movie that all other movies combined. Makes me think I am not maximizing my glove box
Weee…let’s make a nuclear device!
I’m learning all this stuff…now I must circle this device in yellow highlighter!
Learning how to make a bomb montage.
C4 is surprisingly easy to acquire in movies
Did the VO5 got 99.998%? (update: nope. it was flat. Just like my hair after using VO5)
This is the most fun anyone has had making a mass murder device. Why is this music so happy at the weirdest times.
Son…why are all these cantaloupes cut up weird. are you experimenting…sexually? We got an American Pie situation in the kitchen but with cantaloupes.
These computer models say you are smart. Let’s plot it!
Just a little murderous mayhem is all
This is more nefarious than Flubber
haha…sexually abusing the hamsters…I wish!!
And my science project is GIANT BUBBLES! made from VO5 at the 45th annual science fair
Them nerds are into her. SHE LOOKED AWAY!
He left the bomb in the car. probably the glove box
If you only have 87 dollars to get to Ithaca. What would you do?
This move has more drug references than I would have suspected
Jenny…you save’ed us…I want to be your wife
No way would they let this kid go this far. He would have been dead already
Thing that grossed out Scott. Kissing after smoking or putting in an ear bud after taking it out of a sleeping guys ear on the bus.
The one black guy in this movie has to hand the white mom the phone. ANSWER YOUR PHONE BITCH
People used to never hang up pay phones
Don’t make me put my nuclear weapon together.
This is how nuclear war happens. Escalation
this is the worst Ithaca Standoff I have ever seen.
Shoot her!
The bomb turned on spontaneously. So a kid who made a home made nuclear bomb made a mistake. That’s an F
This plan has went from bad to worse.
The core got stuck half way in…hate it when that happens
damn cheap ass photo strobes
That is way more hairy dudes holding clippers within inches of one another for me. Grossed Scott out.
Mom has been trying to use her Boom Box all day…but she can’t find any D Batteries
How you gonna get rid of us all. Ya bully.
Too many secrets. Like Jenny smokes.
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