Oh hi! This is Brian Dunaway all the way from the other side of the Country.
I hope everyone is have a great time at Nerdtacular 2017, pause for applause. too much pause… *listen and pointy fingers*
I miss you guys.
Scott, set me up…Scott…set me up.
Oh hi, Sho’ Nuff we done watched a chop stick of a movie this week and in honor of this hot chop suey Motown mess I sent one of my students down to China town to get some advice from Master Sum Dum Goy….He sent back fortune cookies. Let’s see what they say.
Fortune Number One:
You are deeply attached to your family and home. (Apparently)
Fortune Number Two:
You are capable, competent, creative, careful. Prove it. (Toss it up baby!)
Fortune Number Three:
Stop Searching forever. Happiness is just next to you. (picture of Scott Fletcher)
Fortune Number Four:
You are always welcome in a gathering. (picture of Nerdtacular 2017)
and finally…
Fortune Number Five:
You need only to understand that it is not necessary it understand but only enjoy. (i kid you not. i have no idea.)
Thanks guys…oh…what is this…I’m feeling….I’m feeling all glowy!
Love you guys. Have a safe Nerdtacular.
Brian D

The Last Dragon (1985) – Like Superman 2 with Black Ninjas and Motown Music. BOW BEFORE SHO’NUFF
The Last Dragon (1985) – Like bad sushi. You’ll have your head stuck in a trash can faster than Richie can be a smartass.
Let’s get right to the music and flexing.
Oh Motown. Why are we not using classic Motown music?
Is this Weird Al singing?
This is more crotch shots than I am comfortable with.
Let’s practice Martial Arts….and eat rice!! Chop chop.
Time to switch up to boxing
When your master tries to kill you while you are training. Take a hint.
Leroy is my karate name
The final level. You know without knowing.
Masters think stuff is funny.
Every Samuri needs a Master…or he is Ronin and nobody wants to be Ronin in New York.
How did you end up with Bruce Lee’s medallion? did you beat him up for this?
Meanwhile down at the docks…a black man in a giant hat struts his way to the subway and china town.
uhh…I am tryin watch a movie here. Jam box in the aisle.
Am I meanest? Sho Nuff Shogun
Shade shades.
The Shogun of Harlem is here to watch a movie…
This movie has more interruptions than a Friday night at my house.
Skinny little lizards like you…
Balcony kick!
Off brand Nike karate shoes
Freezer full of pig.
This is like the Lex Luther of white people. What’s in that tub.
Coke is it!
I don’t like the portrayal of white folks in this movie. I LOVE IT!
The great white hopeless.
My video hot pick of the week is DeBarge
There is a DeBarge music video right in the middle of their movie.
You let the order A la carte!
Video Game King!
There is a lot of shiny shirts in this movie.
Who was the costume designer?
JJ the white guy.
Was Motown trying to reinvent itself?
Never say never at Heavens Elevator door. 7th Heaven with my cloud crowd.
Eddie Arcadian does not like to be turned down.
The clown crowd thinks they have a chance with the star. Stalker bait.
Meanwhile, Leroy just happens by. EYE CONTACT…lots of it.
If you are going to fight like Bruce Lee you have to make faces like Bruce Lee
If these bad guys had cell phones they could have back up in no time. Also, none of these bad guys had guns. Just a switchblade.
Bruce Jerry Curl Leroy
Such magical music after the fight…and now he is gone. TAXI!
Dangit Leroy…you lost your fancy medallion
Angela is a hot 80s mess that looks like a pig pissed in her eye. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!
Yep…Leroy…you just had to be a bad ass didn’t ya.
Yeah…big black guys with chains and clubs.
Johnny the no Martial Arts Asian
Leroy is wearing that Bruce Lee thing
Limp Wimp Leroy.
Kiss my converse
The initial bullying from the bullies.
Black man with a pizza shop. Just direct ya feet to Danny’s pizza.
Why is Leroy talking like a weirdo. He grew up in that house…he didn’t come over on a boat from the orient. Kind of sounds like a robot.
Little Richie is a playa.
Leeroy can not rap.
That lady is always in trouble and Leroy is always there.
I’ve heard worser Mr. Arcadia
Good thing Leroy packed his Ninja outfit.
Also, Leeroy can chase down cars
jive Coolies? Cool Breeze. Leroy can’t get any slack… Everybody hates Leroy
Leeroy Green… Junior
Momma throwing dough at the Martial Arts gang.
This will not be the last time Momma Green is going to have to pull Richie out of the trash can.
Busting up the family shop. That is typical martial arts films.
Leroy doesn’t want to be a body guard.
Dental School dropout. She reminds me of the actress from Little Shop Of Horrors…
Sho Nuff got so much money he can turn down money.
Mr. Nuff.
Wait…he doesn’t have a paintbrush? Then he ain’t gonna be making much love.
Everybody owned a jam box in the 80s
Do we still have “Jack me up” music in movies? Usually, used in training montages. Used here during the Bruce Lee seduction scene.
“Chocolate covered yellow pebble.”
Of course! The Chinese connection. All life’s problems are solved by Bruce Lee plots.
Kung-Fu Head.
Is it really a disguise if you really are the pizza delivery guy?
Medium sized oriental
This should be offensive to Asians and African Americans. But it’s ok right…
Leroy’s battle is against his own stupidity.
Sum Dung Goy.
Leroy…you are following Drunken Master.
What you wanna bet the golden glow is like after glow from sex.
That time when your master fucks with you. It is common place for the master.
The old “lock your buddy up or know him out to keep him from putting him in danger.”
Who is operating Arcadias camera on the big screen.
Golaith only has one move…but it’s hard to beat.
Who is that kid. I know that kid.
Richie is going to pop and lock his way out of those ropes.
Who brought the ghost of Mr T to the fight?
Hey Leroy!
The old “next time i will not miss.” Why miss! Just fricken do it moron!
Richie kicked the rock in the nuts so hard that he will never use that again.
Richie done caught a concussion. We used to think that was funny.
Oh snap. Sho Nuff has the glow. You are so screwed.
This just went from Star Trek to Star Wars.
Sho Nuff…friend to Brisco County
Sho Nuff…just wants to know who’s the master.
He don’t want money…he don’t want fame…he just wants affirmation. Sho Nuff.
Sometimes he takes a drowning to discover who is the master.
Master’s always think shit is funny.
Sho Nuffs powers are on the fritz.
You are the Last Dragon!
Finally! Time to use the gun.
Catching a bullet in your teeth. Quick, to the mythbusters!
What will happen to all the arcades if you chain up Mr Arcadia
The police always show up just in time.
You are the last dragon you posses the power of the glow.
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