2012 (2009) – Filmsack Show Notes
INTRO Oh hi, It’s the end of the world as we know it…..and I feel brine’d… like this pickle we
Entertainment by consumption and review. Creation of Art, voice and video.
INTRO Oh hi, It’s the end of the world as we know it…..and I feel brine’d… like this pickle we
INTRO Oh hi, Before I start I would like to preemptively apologize for discussing certain bodily functions that are typically
Continue readingFinal Destination (2000) – Filmsack Show Notes
Below is a sneak peek of this content! INTRO Oh hi,Warning this intro may contain spoilers about this past week’s
INTRO oh hi, This week on FilmHook we fly away to a magical land of thud butts, friend zoned fairies
INTRO oh hi, Hold on just a second. They just delivered my mid 1990s v0ice activated Russian virtual assistant that
INTRO oh hi, Meanwhile, Down at the Hall of Manservants; Jarvis, Alfred Pennyworth and Bernard (Bur-nerd) House…Man gather to discuss