Oh hi you hosers, Geez I just woke up, I don’t know about an intro. Just, take off you nobs,
You’re still here…. well, then let me tell you how to get free Filmsacks:
First, you bribe Scott at the front desk with a couple of Jelly’s. He has a whole drawer full. I’m not even sure he eats them. Just a whole drawer full of Jelly’s. Weird eh.
But THAT will get you in to see Randy.
Now Randy likes to hand out jobs. especially if you threaten to sue him. Currently, he has half of Canada at his employ. Handing out jobs like free beers at Oktoberfest.
Once you have a job, head down to our top secret lair where we keep Ibbott and his haunted DVD disc changer. Just grab a DVD like Strange Brew. You doon’t worry about Ibbott. He’s usually in the toilet behind the fake wall taking care of “Ibbott business.” I think he gets into Scott’s Jelly drawer a good bit.
Where am I during all of this? Right here. Writing intros and drinking dad’s beer.
So sit back and get some corn. eh. It’s going to be a doosey.

Strange Brew (1983) – This movie is a genius, it knows the Atlas. Oh geez, my left nut.
MGM Lion looks stoned. or bummed out.
Cranking a tail. was that a real tail! that seems super dangerous
Movie Theme is not as good as koo koo koo koo
The difference between tv and movies.
That is a lot of beer.
He’s a genius he knows the Atlas.
Russia and Hawaii doesn’t usually get the show.
Theory on movies. How to wreck a movie. Release the moths.
3 B … sit back and get some corn. ok eh.
2051 AD Ten Years after WW4
He is the Keymaster.
Bowling alleys take it first after ww4
Mutants live in the underground caves.
Omega Man is an influence.
Like using a tape measure to communicate
Whiplash from my burps.
Breaking the 4th wall and then the 5th wall.
They did this on their album guy.
A mason jar of moths will wreck any movie.
The Mutants of 2051 AD was their movie inside a movie.
I cry like that when I spend 2 weeks allowance on a movie.
Police in Canada drive cabs.
This music is very 80s…groove machine…shred some guitar. clean drum rhythms.
Theme song song
Bob and Doug live with their parents.
Why are they in such a hurry to eat when they got home. Beer and donuts?
Is that Yosemite Sam? Their dad is Yosemite Sam? They stole all the WB sounds…no they are watching MGM cartoons. it’s an MGM movie.
You nob.
Look at that old 7-11
What kind of beer store is that? All we have are Grocery Stores and ABC Stores around here.
I believe there will be no charge.
Nice box art to reality shot.
Take off. Hoser.
“He hooked up our stereo.” That used to be a qualifier when we were in high school. Cred.
Is that guy’s security desk have a keyboard.
I need a hidden door bathroom. It’s very humorous..apparently.
Nothing bribes a chunky secretary faster than a pocket donut. no…I was wrong…2 and one is a jelly.
Ahh..the 80s…where set decoration go to be embarrassed.
Computer sounds. Deep press keyboards and bleeepy flashing computers and the hums of vacuum tubes.
“Let’s get some men on the bottling line.”
Go in to get some free beer. Get a job instead. What just happened. Leap of logic?
Bring the lunatics from the asylum…let’s see how the drugs, beer and synth music affect them. Apparently it makes them a hockey team. makes sense.
Haha…”The Colonel is dead but here we are enjoying his chicken.”
Apparently the McKenzie boys are a big joke around the neighborhood.
“Geez I just got up…I don’t know.”
How much beer, corn and donuts are these guys putting away in a day.
Bad guy is bad.
Galactic Border Patrol.
Question Relay Gag.
I wonder if this score will be related.
Take off eh.
Brewmeister Smith. is that his real name or his title?
How strong is the bad guy? This strong. Slaps you around and can pick you up by the cheeks.
Level 5!
“Give in the dark side of the force you nob.”
Oww…my left nut.
Piano revelation music. Ting ting ting ting
They horked our clothes!
Blissful ignorance heroes. They just bumble into winning the day.
“They are cutting pirates” Illegal record making?
Used to be a common device. cutting the brakes.
Friendly zombies…that is what we used to think of lunatics.
Hosehead is the dogs name.
Do you feed/water your dog anything that is inappropriate?
Didn’t need to see dad’s face. That broke the myth.
“What the stink are they doing in there?”
Scary. Jason Vohrees on a moped with flowers.
Why am I being chased by a cab. you pull over eh.
The McKenzie brothers are like the Duke Boys.
Oh no. Not the McKenzie van! it’s part of their 80s identity.
When you are only 10 feet from the surface of the water do you need air shoved into your mouth to rise up? Sad music
The detective dub over was amazing.
Apparently he has no brakes either.
Intermission to signify the 2nd act?
We don’t need air. we got beer.
Man. I bet that was hard to film. Props to the dedication to the gag. Pulled over underwater.
“My compliment to the many fine things in your home.”
“Ahh…my wife.”
Personalities so big…they take over the prison.
He is Tron. He lives in the game.
He knows how to handle the press. Beat the Nation.
Is that the queen over the judges head
Please explain TimeCode
Shove a couple of bullets up your nose.
The judge has magazines on his desk.
That is not how bullets work. But sure. I accept it.
Oh no! Our heroes have been committed.
I love doing the steamroller!
“Hi fellows. My name is Ted.”
That is one big needle…full of beer.
Hey you “6.50” all I got is two 5s
Power plays a weird role in this movie.
I think Ted is Dead. Dead Ted.
We have seen head crushing before…and it hurts.
Got to escape the asylum.
Cowboys on PJs and Spacemen on the other. That was all kids liked back in the early 80s
is that little car a Datsun? they say it is Japanese.
Now you are the mouse.
Is it hard to swim in beer? I wonder if it is hard to swim in carbonated anything?
Ahh…the old pee in the pool…it’s getting warmer in here joke.
Koo ko koo kooo
The superstrong bad guy…how do they get so superhuman strong?
A lot of electrocutions in this movie.
Those who have the power.
Music to accentuate comedy in a comedy. It’s hard to pull off these days.
True McKenzie style. He drank it all.
When your movie turns into Tron.
Did she lay a kiss on the manager?
Who is that security guard at the end. He’s familiar.
The Mckenzie’s are always landing jobs based on their weird skillsets. Yet they never have a job.
Skunk dog.
All the beer is free!!
A Toronto Skunk.
The McKenzie’s know how to interrupt.
Movie review of your movie in your movie.
Freeze Frame. Happy Trails