Oh hi fellow Village Sackers,
What manner of spectacle has attracted your attention so splendidly? I ought to carry it in my pocket to help me sack… and to do other pocket things.
Who came upon this? Randy, did you inappropriately fondle this Shyamalan?
Who has done this heinous act? Scott, Ibbott?
The Movie We Do Not Speak Of, has not breached our borders in many years (for some…never). We do NOT go into IT’S plot holes and IT does NOT come to our homes and give us face spankings.. like that one scene with Adrian Brody…that is a face thirsty for a slaps.
It is a truce. Yet, here we are…sacks in hand.
We are grateful for the time we have been given.


The Village (2004) -Like Sigourney Weaver knitting a sweater for a Xenomorph. Now that is a twist… & a hook & a twist. OH, LOOK I MADE A SWEATER.
Someone playing the Lute! Lute! Lute!
Big drum…big drum scare me.
Perhaps by the music we are implying an Indian contingent? Gonna eat them villagers! Nom nom…chop ’em up
So many great actors.
Push all credits. Pull Director credit
That sky is so fake!
Derbys! Dirty Derbys! oh…sorry…dead dead dead.
Nah…we just gonna sit back here on the other side of this fence while you “pine” away for your loved one.
1890-1897 … 7 ish
Outdoor long table. Man the flys…where are the flys!?
He likes the howling. It makes him clap happy.
We were eating veggies…but all of our bowls are full of oats when we wash them.
I will give M. Night this…he knows how to capture believable life in a camera.
Bury the red flowers…get serious with the sweeping now!
Trees are so noisy at night…creek creek..chirp chirp
“What manner of spectacle has attracted your attention so splendidly? I ought to carry it in my pocket to help me teach.” That was a lot just to say “what you kids looking at?”
Found the flies!
mmm…skinned bunny.
“Those We Don’t Speak Of killed it.” SHHHH…we don’t speak of them!
Meat Eaters…Large Claws.
We got a truce.
Ripley is knitting!
Why am I always knitting? Cause I have been working on this one bootie for 2 weeks.
Hello…I’m here to read a letter. I wrote it. Also, it has an end. Here is it…The End
Finton Coin! I am Finton!
My name is Lucius I sleep on a dirt floor.
Who killed the puppy!
I always forget what a fortnight is. Forkknife.
Our boundary has not been breached. We would know…I’m talking about sex.
hey…papa! can I marry a boy? it’s Lucius.
haha! I love you Lucius. I love you more than the sun and moon together!
HAHA! crushed!
Life is long and love is deep…damn…now I want to cry.
Where do they get their top 40 Village songs?
Hey Lucius…I’m a lush and you don’t talk…just like my dead son.
oh..she blind!
Let’s play a game of “grab the stick and get whacked!.”
A blind girl and a boy who likes to hit with sticks run to the hills to meet the quite one.
Red is bad. Yellow is good.
Some people have a haze…purple haze?
“You run like a boy…in case you can’t see it….oh wait.”
Ivy got a crush on Lucius!
Look…Lucius don’t think stuff is funny.
Berry…the bad color!
Meanwhile, Down at the Resting Rock.
Mom just laid down the nasty truth about Daddy and Town.
This place is full of secrets ma!
Somebody likes Mom…he never touches you…would that make Ivy my sister? can we still make babies? This is a small village with not many options. That is why I really want to go to town.
I got on my village poncho! Time to face those who we do not speak of.
Oh hi…I’m just blind and playing a night game outside…cause it is always night for me.
Noah needs medicine that will help him hold still.
Kitty is giddy for love!
She wants to marry the shirt guy…maybe you could pick him up some more shirts while you are in town…if you don’t die.
Oh snap! That ain’t Lucius…Thanks for the Jump Scare Mr. Night.
Noah has one of them “slap me faces”
Uh…that is scary. Night is always great at showing you just enough to scare the pants out of you visually.
She is serious about waiting for Lucius.
Damn I just got chills when he grabbed her hand to save her….and the music swells.
Gee…a note…I wonder who wrote a note…could it be Lucius the village note writer? yep.
So much shame!! shame…shame… I knew that kid was no good.
Could someone please come get Noah…thank you!
Well that was fun…now let’s go outside and eat at the big tables….”we are grateful…for the time we have been given.”
Sounds like Town is a real shit show.
This place wants to burn.
That is a lot of dead animals…on your wedding night!!
The marks are high….Coyotes can not reach that high…duh.
Why you on this porch?!
The boys played The Stump….this village needs some new games!
Tell me my color blind witch!!
One of the most beautiful romantic scenes in any movie. Man M. Night is the man.
Aww…that went well…Sisters are cool with each other…doubtful.
Let’s see how the boys fair. Nope…not so good.
That was super effective…totally freaky…so quiet…no screaming. Is that more realistic?
Noah has been bad.
Oh wow…did you know we are full of the bad color?
An accident? Yeah…Lucius fell on a knife…like 20 times.
Mr. Walker!!! Mr. Walker!!
Thoughts and prayers.
Uh oh…Noah gets a face spanking.
What are we talking about here…going to the towns?
a dollar into 5 in a fortnight…
What is in the shed! Why would she scream?!
Ivy and her merry band of two. All in Yellow. Kiss a fellow.
I got a bag of rocks pa!
Christop is like…nah! Why ain’t I never heard of no safe rocks! and why am I wearing this yellow…I don’t even like yellow!
an hour in…and the truth will set you free!!
Have fun Ivy. I’m gone.
The ceremony of meat! Not the ceremony of meet!
Damn you elders!
They are making some good points…but I’m mad as hell at them for lying to me.
and now I’m in a hole. Thanks a lot ya pansy boys.
Love will find a way! or die trying! sometimes that way is throwing rocks.
Man. these are the shittiest elders ever. Lie to their kids their entire lives…then send a blind girl out to head to the village.
So we are still going on the idea that there could be evil in the woods…because…once there was evil.
If that thing suddenly runs at us…EEEEK
Why doesn’t anyone ever dress up as the bad creature in this movie?
These elders are the worst elders ever.
Oh I know…let’s hide the extra monster costumes under the floorboards. by the way…that is some high quality monster garb for the 1800s
Noah got what Noah got
Lucius is thinking “I feel very stabbed right now.”
Screw this safe color crap!
We have a lot of secrets here in The Village.
Time to recap…in case you missed it. Here is all the shit we said that you missed.
Please return to your vehicle? Do you see a vehicle?
I am from “The Woods.”
Oh hey…listen to tall this depressing news…cause now you want to live in The Village
Hey…it’s the director.
mmm…my fridge is full of medial use and rotten bananas!
Hey Jay…where is the maintenance ladder?
She’s crying cause she knows her son is a wussy and got beat by a blind girl.
Hey I know! We have told a bunch of lies that ended poorly…let’s tell some more lies! This is working out great!
Lucius probably died.