Re-Animator (1985) 96 min Rated R
Re-Animator is a 1985 American science fiction horror film based on the H. P. Lovecraft story “Herbert West–Reanimator.” Directed by Stuart Gordon, it was the first film in the Re-Animatorseries. The film has since become a cult film, driven by fans of Jeffrey Combs (who stars as Herbert West) and H. P. Lovecraft, extreme gore, and the combination of horror and comedy.
Opener: Hey that was fun Herbert. But how about next time…next time… we bring someone back from the dead…how about we pick an old lady or the infirmed instead of Arnold Schwatzneggers body double!! Also, I saw your note on the fridge. What does “Cat Dead. Details later” mean.
Twitter: Re-Animator – I have a theory. Overdose! Ok. That is more of a last resort. But this movie dosage was too large
Stuff I Loved:
Dr. Gruber!
What…I didn’t do nothing!! I just got this needle here.
Dr. Gruber says… “I have this terrible sinus headache.”
The dosage was too large!!
Love the opening music. Psycho ripoff
Mad props to director choosing a heavy set lady with no shirt to perform chest compressions on.
Work joke! Locked doors. Very funny…now read your paper and smoke your cigarette
Oh dear lord it’s big foot from the 6 million dollar man getting an autopsy.
No sneaking up on me when in the morgue
Hans Gruber? as in Hans Gruber the terrorist in Die Hard?
666 Darkmore address – 555 number. Geez who would take that serious.
Roofus totally didn’t look like someone threw him from off screen. Looked natural as all hell.
The minute you get your MD I will marry you. I’M MARRYING A DOCTOR!!
Dan…stop it…I don’t like that…stop it. c’mon stop…Dan.
Ms. Hallsey. Mr. Hallsey.
Just had a basement gasm…yes…oh yes…yes…basement!
mmm…just like the injuns used to do. Just like peeling a large orange
6 to 12 minutes!!
What the hell. breaking pencils. What is the symbolism
How do you call a cat? psss psss pss pss. Cat’s don’t come to being called dumb ass.
We named the cat roofus.
West not only has a mini fridge in his room. He doesn’t close it after he puts dead cats in it.
“Cat dead. Details later.”
The sound effects in this movie is awesome! Some of it is stock and other parts are people making noises.
“Fighting dead cats in the basement” was my bands name in college.
Reanimation fluid looks like flubber. Neon Green.
Birth is always painful
Sometimes dead is better.
Smoking cigars in the morgue. has that ever been a thing?
Let’s see…what do we want to re-animate…hmmm…
Hehe…this would have freaked me out on October 10th
Is he putting a flashlight on that dude’s junk.
This first guy they reanimate is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body double from Terminator
The dead guy failed. Not me!!
Next time we reanimate someone….we are going to pick an old lady…not a body builder
oh man…bonesaw through the back. That has to hurt.
I don’t want my potential future father in-law to be brought back to life.
One bad decision after the next.
Unbreakable plastic. Sweet
Bringing something back to life that has active bleeding wounds. Probably not a good idea until you patch up the wounds.
One heck of a security guard.
Go to fetal position.
John Kerry wants to perform exploratory surgery on Dean Hallsey.
“We are both scientists…let’s get to the point.”
That was just…screwed up. Shovel chopping off of head. and jamming it onto a meat thermometer.
I know…I know…you won’t be able to speak if you didn’t have any lungs…but…head in a basket calling you a bastard…that’s pretty creepy.
Your father is not only dead…he’s been lobotomized.
Let me get this straight. He didn’t kill me…but took my serum.
Sure Mr. West…sure you had to kill him. But did you have to bring him back to life.
Worst Nike shirt ever
Hill is a creep.
Why bother putting your head back on your body…when it’s much funnier to watch it fumble around your office.
Like some kind of head fish in a tray. It needs to remain moist
How can Hallsey see through the one way mirror.
Worst guard ever.
Yeah…whatever…the first body will do.
Daddy is a bastard
Dr. Neckskin.
OMG….making daddy watch.
Dead Head Monologging
How long does it take for a laser drill to work?
What a boot to the head
I have a theory. OVERDOSE!! that’s less of a theory and more of a last resort.
Really…more naked men than I am comfortable with.