
Predators (2010) –

eeeek….I’m falling from the sky!!! Oh dear lord…wait…I see other people…phew. oh good…they seem to have parachutes…and yes they are opening…phew…I’m going to be alright….splat. oh no…does my arm look bad. I mean it is in a really awkward way.

Did I remember to pack that one guys parachute….hmmm…meh…who cares. Hey…ya know what…we oughta equip the dogs with those inviso-suits…that would really mess with ‘em


Predators: It’s no Predator in the city….but a Russian guy in a mime shirt on an alien planet with a big gun always makes for the good time. Falling Machette


Stuff I Loved:

Falling Brody.

What a way to wake up….screeeeeam.

Love this music. Classic action film fare. Is that a harp…strings…reminds me of some old school movie music.

Bloody Brody

Hey…a dude on the forrest floor trying to figure out what is going on…didn’t we see this in lost.

Machetties falling from the sky.

Dud…that dude’s shoot didn’t open…sucks!!!

Coool…Big Gun homage to the original Predator? remember that guy….Big gun….big gun chase me.


Why is the french guy have on a french mime shirt.

These people are a bunch of NRA card carrying mofos

Let’s see….we got us….White guy (american…who is really not……mysterious Asian guy…woman (latino)…(…French Mime.)….Black dude (south african)…white guy criminal skin-head..Mexican…Russian…Wonder what ethnicity the dude was that splatted?

Hey is that what’s his face from That 70’s show

Nothing like military fatigues to accent your latin ass.

I am all about a scifi mixed ensemble.

Who would do this? Who would make a big structure in the middle of the woods with writing on it.

Having trouble buying into dumbass from 70s show being the professor

Really…we are on an island…are we in hell…are we already dead? Sheesh…steel Lost much..oh well…I love this kind of story…so I’m rolling with it. Plus the music is awesome.

Scenery is pretty damn cool….love the Amazon kind of look.

Why would a doctor know about botantical crap…is he a general practicioner…what kind of doctor is he.

Coooool. Love the river rocks.

Always on the journey movies…heavy breathing and talk of rest…while one guy who wants to walk the fuck out of wherever he is.

Are we even on the earth?

Magnatism….it’s always about the magnatism. So the people never can find a direction…sun has not moved. This is a little LOST

Everybody holds a piece of the puzzle…and they only give it up to a select few…so all the pieces can’t be put together.

Random drops of stuff as you travel through the forrest. Darma?

Someone dropped an animal. Oh hell…we were chosen…but for what?

There are an ass of them…uh oh.

It’s a booty trap!!

A little bit of Goonies…Indian Jones and Lost…oh yeah…and predator.

Predator Vision….25 minutes in….why are the voices slowed down….guess we must look weird to t he predators

Wait a minute…this ain’t the third rock from the sun

Love when there is 1 guy with no gun…and everybody knows he doesn’t need a gun…cause he really really wants the gun. They are eventually going to give him a gun…so just give him a gun….I guess it is a barometer of how fucked you really are….once he gets a gun…you know it is the suck.

Uh…lost me…Predator dogs.

Looks like Venom almost got it.

Classic close up of dude fighting with a monster…not much has changed in the past 20 years…it’s always some dude holding a puppet and fighting with it.

Hey…Predadogs have one of dem invisible wire thingys.

No man left behind. unless he is a trap. Then fuck ‘em

It’s a trap!

Can they not figure out what tempo human voices are.

What are trackers tasting when they pick up dirt.

We need to know what we are dealing with before we fight them. Nah…fook it…

What kind of bored ass race has nothing better to than fuck with their food. Shutup.

Haha…they pulled a saw on you….that predator in the middle of the room ain’t dead. syke.

Wow…that was long fall…

There is a lot of falling for these guys.

Hey wait…they are in the water…how are they seeing the heat signature.

You would think seeing a camp full of predators would be cool…but it kind of ain’t…kind of like the end of predator 2.

This is my excuse….We needed to know what we were up against….well what did it cost us? one of our own.

I know you have a secret…why don’t you just tell us.

We don’t have a name for them…well…we call them this.

Why would you break down the whole story right in the middle of the movie.

Ok…when the movie started…I thought…yeah…they have a doctor…so if someone gets hurt…the doc can fix them…almost an hour in…dead people everywhere…doc hasn’t saved anyone…he has almost gotten killed at least 3 times….and has identified some botantical plants on an alien planet. Whaaaaa.

Hey!…it’s Laurence Fishburn. Now we can start the movie!

Sleeveless Brody. Do we really need that.

What a crappy way to use Laurence Fisheburn

Flaming Fire hole that looks like a vagina

 What good is a doctor. all he does is complain.

enemy of my enemy is my friend

Alright…you got on the ship…now what? Do you have star charts?

How to catch a predators.

Predators are easier to kill than Predator.

How can predators not get killed with all that HUD crap going on….analyzing stuff.

Brody is kind of buff…and oily.

Predator does the incredible hulk flex roar.

psychopathic botanist

Predators are kind of slow.

They bleed neon green.

Who will survive movies. How good are you at predicting?

Knew Brody would live from the start. Thought maybe Tahoe.

Do like the fact that they didn’t get off the planet.

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